Friday, July 24

Beaded Jewelery

Welcome to my Blog.
Jewelery has become my new hobby and my new passion, I love to work with beads and make many types of earrings, bracelets and necklaces. I try to use a great variety of beads. I then sell my jewelery very cheap. I wish I could sell for more but the reality is that in today's market for handmade jewelery there is a lot of competition. Because of the economy, lots of people have joined the world of crafts to make that extra buck. Everywhere I go I see people like me trying to make a business or profit with their creations. Unfortunately most customers are not aware of the cost and effort and of each item and do not want to purchase high costly items at this point in this economy, they are happy with something practical,simple and pretty. They are looking for that pair of earrings that they will wear on Friday to work. I have seen artist make beautiful items and not be able to sell them. I am in the process of learning to sell. I started with Ebay and after fees and shipping cost not making too much of a profit but some. I have taken my items to consignment stores, they sell your items and take a percentage of your sale, I upper the price of my items a few dollars to make up for it. This is one of my lazy ways to make profit, lol I take items to the store and then just wait to pick up the profit. Most items do sell, the ones that do not you have to make sure you retrieve if not they become property of the consignment store. Usually it is a 60 day period, when I collect my profit I take them my new merchandise. Now the best way I am told would be selling your items online with your own website. But there are so many out there, I'm not sure I can succeed, but I can try. It never hurts. I do not have one yet and I am excited about starting one. I will share my experience with you as I go.
I welcome anyone that has any tips on starting. Please follow me in this journey as I will write my experiences of opening my new handmade jewelery store the pros and cons I will stumble upon and hopefully be able to help someone with the same interest. I'm thinking of a name, any suggestions? Maybe- Simple and Pretty?

Before I started to make my items, I had never seen this beading craft market. I have found
so many stores online to buy tools and supplies, too many beautiful beads. You can't even decide which to pick from, I always go for the one that has the sales. I do try my best to get good quality beads, but at reasonable prices. When you find these beautiful, expensive beads,(wow and you want to buy them all) but you must first think if the item is going to sell and how long will it take to sell. Remember you are selling to people that are looking for practical, simple and pretty. People that can afford more expensive items usually will not be looking for handmade beaded earrings, they have the cash to buy designer made, much more expensive jewelery. Does not mean that my jewelery is cheap, I make it with the same effort and quality as a famous designer but do not use expensive gemstones and crystals, Famous designers buy from Italy, I buy from, (just kidding, I buy from local bead stores)and I watch my cost so I can offer them at a lesser price. I purchase my beads and materials by wholesales at a reasonable price. Using quality beads make your customers come back. Below are some of the items I have created.

This earring and bracelet set are made with glass beads from India, got them at a local bead store.

I made this small bracelet for my Grand Daughter

These earrings are made with acrylic beads from a local craft store.

Murano Beads, from online store

These are genuine Swarovski crystal beads, but I used a small quantity and smaller size crystals to lower my cost.

Czech beads beautiful and good prices

Simulated pearls with crystals from online store the shape of the crystal is unique.

Czech with Swarovski in a bright red